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Apr 29, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024

The smallest bakery in France is in La Rochelle

Raisin bread, apple turnovers, doughnuts... In this bakery in the Rue du Cordouan in La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, local residents and tourists come to buy pastries and bread, as in all bakeries in France. But from 16 May, they may also come to see the smallest bakery shop front in the world, measuring no more than 1.15 metres in length, reports France Info in an article on Monday 3 May.

Its young manager, Ludovic Frey, had to pass through the very strict sieve of sixteen criteria to receive this approval. He hopes that tourists will pass through his business when they are in the region.

A French bakery in the Guinness Book of Records

This is precisely the case of these tourists coming fromAngers, interviewed by our colleagues from France 3, who wanted to pass in front of the bakery to see, with their own eyes, this French bakery entered in the famous Guinness Book of Records.

However, we will have to wait until 16 May for the record to become official, France 3 points out.

This Israeli strawberry is the heaviest in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records

Once there, you can stroll through the streets of the city nicknamed the White City by the English. In addition to enjoying its many cultural events, such as the film festival or the Francofolies, you can admire the limestone facades, immerse yourself in the history of the city by visiting its three medieval towers, remnants of the fortifications, its Bunker museum, its aquarium, or simply stroll along the Minimes beach.


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