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Apr 29, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024

The ranking of the most expensive cities in France in 2024

The year 2021 remained on the same dynamic. In the major cities, the prices of old properties have continued to rise. The SeLoger Group has published the top 10 most expensive cities of more than 100,000 inhabitants in France in 2021, as reported by France Bleu. As expected, Paris remains the leader of the most expensive large cities in France in 2021 with a square metre at 11,591 euros. In second place is Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) with 9,524 euros per square metre. Montreuil-sous-Bois (Seine-Saint-Denis) completes the podium with 6,721 euros per square metre. These three cities are ahead of Lyon (€5,499/m2), Annecy (€4,973/m2) and Bordeaux (€4,967/m2).

The top 10 most expensive cities in France

In the ranking of the most expensive cities in France we find :

  1. Paris

  2. Boulogne-Billancourt

  3. Montreuil-sous-Bois

  4. Lyon

  5. Annecy

  6. Bordeaux

  7. Aix-en-Provence

  8. Nice

  9. Nantes

  10. Saint-Denis

On average, the price per square metre in France is valued at 3,339 euros. In 2021, Parisian prices have exploded with an increase of 8.5% over one year on signed prices and 7.9% on posted prices. In Boulogne-Billancourt, the price per square metre has risen by 6.1% over a year, in Montreuil the rise was 1.4% last year. In Saint-Denis, last in the top 10, the price per square metre is 4,244 euros, an annual increase of 7.2%.

The top 5 cheapest cities in France

In the ranking of the cheapest cities in France we find :

  1. Saint-Étienne

  2. Perpignan

  3. Limoges

  4. Mulhouse

  5. Le Mans