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Apr 29, 2024 - Apr 30, 2024

What are the most beautiful caves in France?

Want to get away from it all? You don't have to go to the other side of the world for that. In France, there is something for everyone: mountains, waterfalls, beaches... not forgetting the gorges and caves. These underground caves are the ideal place to take a leap into the past.

The most famous cave is certainly the Cave of Lascaux. This prehistoric site was discovered in 1940 by four teenagers. It was once open to the public but had to be closed due to damage caused by the many visitors. However, a replica has been made, so that you can admire this marvel of the Périgord. Classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, the site is made up of 147 prehistoric sites and 25 caves decorated with cave paintings.

The Padirac chasm is also of great beauty. Its impressive opening measures are 35 meters in diameter and 75 meters deep. There are 42 kilometers of underground galleries explored by speleologists since the site was discovered in the 19th century. During the visit, which lasts 1.5 hours, you will discover numerous stalactites and stalagmites along a 2.2-kilometer route, almost half of which will be done by boat, on the underground river.

Another option is the Cabrespine chasm. Located in the Aude, this cave dug into the bowels of the Black Mountain by the river is worth a visit. Renowned for the richness of its crystallisations, it is one of the largest caves in Europe. To make the site even more spectacular, a light show and a glass footbridge with 200 meters of space under your feet have been installed.

If you want to discover our selection of the ten most beautiful caves in France in photos, go to our slideshow!

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  • Tourism

  • Lascaux cave